Work has been absolutely crazy of late. We had inventory last month, which led to a lot of overtime and long days of literally crawling on my hands and knees counting every item in the store that was under five dollars... You know this little twenty five cent bouncy balls your kids grab and then drop all over the store? I crawled around tracking them down and then counted every single one! Now that that is over, it is tax free weekend in Missouri and I just happen to work the back to school section... it is a war zone in there!
I am currently up for a promotion at work, too. It would be a really big step up, financially and on the corporate ladder... Management seems really keen on me to get the position, but they are still required to go through the open interview process and you never know who might apply - so it is not a sure thing. I am really hopeful, though. I have been working really hard and could really use this!
On the personal side of things, not too much has changed... Been trying to get out a bit more. Went to the farmer's market with my friend Ruth the other day, planning on meeting an old co-worker for drinks after I get off of work tonight - that sort of thing. Chris and I have been having a "movie night" kind of thing on most Mondays, so that has been fun. (He and I have been pretty damn successful in this whole friends thing - a few bumps in the road, but doing well and really enjoying having such a good friend.)
So, yeah, in general things are going pretty well. Quiet, mostly work-focused, with a little bit of fun here and there... actually have been able to pay all my bills and stand on my own two feet with no help from anyone for a few months now and that is a really nice feeling.