Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nancy Pelosi looks like those aliens from AI... Anyone? Anyone?

Yes, Jessica, Alton Brown may be your food savior, too. The Good Eats church welcomes all comers. :-)

Also, I figured out how to leave comments open without having to have an account or sign in - so for those of you that didn't want an account, now you may leave a hello or burning indictment of me.

It's my magical regular Tuesday off. I slept until almost 8am - which is insanely late for me. Granted, I was up until 11pm or so, which is also insanely late for me. I have been working so many days lately that I now sleep like a grandmother - in bed by nine, up at five or six. Maybe I can convince Denny's to let me share in the early bird specials...

Todays exciting plans include getting gas in the car, doing some laundry and dishes, and picking up some cat litter before my home is designated a poop disaster area - though some FEMA funds would be really helpful right about now!

Is anybody watching this election is Massachusetts today? The, apparently, very close and heated run off for the late Senator Kennedy's seat is pretty much owning my TV. At first I was mildly annoyed by yet another seemingly endless coverage of something Kennedy related... but, to be honest, this is turning out to be a rather important seat - the winner of this seat basically defines what will happen to the health care reform that is being ramrodded through in Washington right now. I have pretty strong feelings on this, which many of you can already guess... but I haven't had my coffee yet so I will hold off on ranting until I can make sure I am completely coherent.

Plus... The wafting scent of kitty waste is telling me that it is time to run to the store... Mmmm... nothing like the smell of cat leavings in the morning.

Smells like victory.

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